
Welcome, welcome. My name is Gemma but abbreviations of Gem, GT, GX, Toddy, etc., are all absolutely fine. (Or just flash an X by crossing your arms and yelling “GXT!!” like my bro’s friend does every time he sees me – I’d probably answer to that, too.) I’m an author and ex-mobile librarian from the West Midlands in the UK, and I’ve been put on this earth to write stuff and eat Mint Chocolate Aero.

Here are a list of key words/topics you will be seeing a lot of in my blogs: books, writing, pyjamas, PS4, libraries, #ReadWomenSF (I run a Read Along book group on my Twitter @gemtodd), book edits, not seeing daylight for many days, LEGO builds, movie watching, music, diets (not sticking to them) and healthy pursuits (probably not pursuing them), and road trips in the States.

My first book, DEFMOBILE LIBRARY 22 SL 14ENDER, came out January 2017, published by Headline. It’s the first book in the the Voices series, which is a…quadrilogy? …a quartet? I should probably check what they’re called. The second book, HUNTED, published in May 2018, and SURVIVORS arrived in in 2019. Anyway, there are four books in total, each one being released in hardback first, followed by paperback from 2017-2022.

I have a wonderful agent by the name of Camilla Bolton (from the Darley Anderson Literary, TV and Film Agency). I believe she is actively looking for talent, so do shoot off a nicely polished submission to her. She really is swell.

So buckle your seatbelts, folks, it’s a pretty big adventure I’m embarking on. I’ll pay for gas if you get the nibbles for the road (peanut M&Ms are the best – the crispy shell stops ’em melting inside a hot car). And always remember: use your indicators/turn signals before pulling into and out of traffic. It’s the sensible thing to do.

Mobile Library interior small

Find DEFENDER, HUNTED and SURVIVORS to buy on Amazon (in hardback, paperback, e-book and audio) and get ready to #HearTheVoices.


