GXT Presents: The Writers in Cars Vlog

The first vlog from half of the Writers in Cars team (the new podcast of which can be heard here: https://www.spreaker.com/user/8786734/writers-in-cars-episode-one-how-we-got-o). This is an introduction to me (Gemma, in case you forgot which blog you were reading 🙂 ) and why I’m embarking on a new vlog journey when I have no real idea what […]

My 6 Favourite ThankBookFor Podcast Moments: Series 1

To commemorate the ending of series 1 of the ThankBookFor podcasts, I wanted to do a round-up of my Top Six Favourite Moments. But first, let me just give you the spiel. ThankBookFor is an initiative that celebrates all things story-related, namely through reading, books, and creating and sharing stories. The easiest and most time efficient […]

Rankin your writing: is yours King?

I had a discussion the other day with some fellow writers about how we all felt about writing. Did we see it as a profound and worthy endeavour? Did we see it as a bit of fun, a hobby? Where did we place it in terms of importance in our lives? I found that I […]