#ReadWomenSF – April 2019 Competition

Hallo! I’m BACK. The break over Christmas turned into a three month hiatus (because writing and deadlines), but I’m pretty confident all will be forgiven because I return with a BOOK GIVEAWAY.

To mark #ReadWomenSF’s 1st year anniversary, I’ll be giving away four titles from our current Reading List (which you can find here). Three are books we’ve already read as part of our #ReadWomenSF Read Along, and the fourth is a book I’m shamelessly adding because I wrote it and I’m running this giveaway so I can do what I want. All you have to do to enter is reply to me on here, on Twitter, or on my FB author page with one science fiction book written by a female author that you love and tell me the reason why you’ve chosen it. Extra brownie points go to anyone who names a book that isn’t already on our Reading List. One entry per person, but feel free to tag a friend or family member in to have a go, and you can share (fight) over the books between yourselves when you win! I will pick the winner based on entirely subjective and biased reasons.

Closing date is 1st April 23:59 (GMT), so you haven’t got long. It’s open internationally, even though it’s going to cost me an arm and a leg to post such a heavy package overseas. Consider it my apology for making you all wait so long to get this reading group going again. SPEAKING OF WHICH, everyone reading this is very welcome to join our Read Along #ReadWomenSF group! More info about it here. From the comp entrees, I will pick out four books that we’ll take a vote on for our April read. I’ll write a blog post detailing said book choices (inc their blurbs) and stick the voting poll on my pinned tweet on the 2nd April.

I hope that all makes sense. Here are the lovely books you could win:

(Nb. That’s just a photo of Octavia Butler. You don’t get to win her.)

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